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INVENTION: We’ve changed the way advertising works so that businesses only pay for sales and the money they pay is “viralized” through a breakthrough technology to friends of the buyer, creating more sales… which create more commissions… which create more sales.  It’s the end of “clicks & impressions” advertising.

Would a business rather pay media or people? Would a business rather pay for “clicks & impressions” or just pay for sales… after the sale? It’s simple, common sense. 

We're getting ready to go.

Join for Free

Everyone joins for free. Your page and unique link (FreedomLink™) are created. This is a new way to make money for anyone 18 years of age or older and for any business. Right now, we're just signing up people. We will soon start signing up businesses and nonprofits as well.

Invite a Few Friends

We've created a new sales model... a new technology. Everyone makes money from businesses who only pay for sales. No more buying "clicks & impressions." Share your unique link with 5-10 friends. The link then "passes itself." Everyone 18 years of age or older is welcome.

Change the World

Almost $1Trillion is paid to Big Tech/Big Media for clicks and impressions ads each year. Over 60% goes to Google, Facebook + Amazon. What happens when businesses have a choice to only pay for sales? Can anyone really compete with those guys? Ask us about what the A.I. said.